The tantric lineages of Tibetan Buddhism and the Vedic yoga traditions have known and practiced similar practices for centuries. The Taoists also charge their mandala - the pakua - through the meditation supporting tonings: A particularly deeply moving part of fusion practice. Vibrations,
Vibrations, resonances, and tones play a major role in Taoist traditions in general. During thousands of years of study of philosophy and psychology, the Taoists recognized the need to explore the basic emotions of human beings. They observed that certain actions
attract undesirable emotions unless they are understood and managed. Disharmonious emotions can be transformed into useful life energy. Therefore, to repel or suppress unwanted, negative emotions is to repel or suppress life force. Instead, it is considered
Instead, the Taoist system considers it better to harness their experience.
That is, you allow them to come forth without allowing them to go crazy or trigger other negative emotions. You can take control so that you can transform them not only into beneficial life force, but also into a form of higher consciousness, your spiritual energy. The whole exercise of fusion is a systematic process of self-purification and control over your own inner forces. By forming a pearl of pure energy and fusing the forces of the Five Elements into a new, improved and purified form of life force, you will gain the power of self-control. With the help of this power, you can also directly invoke the Cosmic Force to grant you strength and protection.
The practice of fusion is a meditation system consisting of formulas (techniques).

Fusion of the Five Elements I

In the first stage of fusion, one learns how to transform the disharmonious emotions of worry, sadness, cruelty, anger and fear into pure energy. This is done by locating the source of negative emotions in the five major organs. With the help of the vibrating essences of the Eight Forces of Creation of 'Ba Gua', the stressful blockages of the organs can be released.
After the excess emotional energy is filtered out of the organs, the organism can return to a state of psychophysical balance. The pure energy freed from disharmonious emotions crystallizes into a luminous pearl or a crystal ball. This pearl plays a crucial role in the development and nourishment of the soul or energy body, which is fed exclusively by the pure energy of the five organs.

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