Healing Love

The path to outer beauty through inner awareness is one of the expected results of practicing Taoist teachings for some time. In addition to increased calm emotional behavior, one is most likely to notice the effectiveness of Taoist practice in the increased absence of ailments. Less sleep, better digestion, more fulfilling sex, and basically better moods significantly increase our quality of life.

A person can only live a fulfilled life if he or she is in harmony with the basic forces of life. In Taoist understanding, harmony roughly corresponds to all-encompassing love. If he violates the law of the exchange of yin and yang by preventing the sexual union of the yin energy with the yang energy, the chi in the body cannot flow properly, the life force will slowly stop and escape. Life will become dull and monotonous, interrupted only now and then by brief flares of congealed passion.

However, the only way to gain real benefit from Taoist practices is to actually apply them.
The Secret Art of the Jade Chamber

In the classic 'Mysterious Lady', an ancient Taoist text, the Elemental Girl reveals the "Art of the Sleeping Chamber" to the Yellow Emperor.

There it states. that a woman with an abundance of yin and very little yang is more sexually desirable. Today we would say that the sexually desirable woman is well supplied with female hormones.

Without yin, there is no pleasure for yang, and yin without yang is not aroused. In such cases, the man desires union but the woman is unhappy in the process, or the woman desires union but the man lacks desire. When the hearts are not in harmony, there is no awakening of the essences and consequently no love and desire.

However, when the man courts the woman and the woman courts the man, it leads to the merging of spirit and desire in both of them, and this fills their hearts with great joy.

After the woman's passion is aroused, she caresses the man's jade stem, giving him the strength he needs to explore her jade terrace. This causes an abundance of juices to flow in both of them. The powerfully grown jade stalk soon moves slowly, soon quickly. The jade gate opens to facilitate the entry of the powerful antagonist and to receive his essence, which waters the scarlet chamber.

In her response to the male yang, the woman shows the following reactions:

"Her ears are so hot, as if she had drunk heavy wine. Her breasts rise so firmly that they fill his hands. Aroused, her neck writhes and her legs tremble. Though she tries to restrain her lascivious impulses, she suddenly clutches the man's body, pressing her body firmly against his and patting him gently."

The latter describes a basic technique of Chinese massage that targets acupuncture points. This erotic variant of acupressure has a very sexually stimulating effect.

Next, the Yellow Emperor is told why he should wait for the Four Achievements (of the Jade Stem): "If the Jade Stem is not angry, the man's harmonious essence has not yet arrived. If he is stiff but not hot, his spiritual muscular essence has not yet arrived. If he is big. but not yet stiff, his bone essence has not yet arrived. If he is unbending but not hot, his spirit essence has not yet arrived. " To bring about the desired union, all four conditions must be met, even if the man should already have an erection.

Next, the Yellow Emperor inquires about the Nine Essences of the woman. He wants to know what is behind them and how he can determine that they have been awakened. To this the Mysterious Lady replies, "When a woman sighs deeply and swallows, her Lung Essence has been awakened. When she utters little cries and sucks his lips, her heart essence has been awakened. When her yin gate is moist and slippery, her kidney essence has been awakened. When she clutches and holds the man, her spleen essence has been awakened. When she bites him tenderly, her bone essence has been awakened. Finally, when she plays with his jade stick, her blood essence has been awakened."

The Elemental Girl explains the Five Desires, "When a woman holds her breath and restrains her energy, her mind desires sexual union. When her nostrils and mouth open, her yin gate desires union. When she suddenly clutches the man, she desires climax.

When her sweat soaks her clothes, her heart desires fulfillment. When she stretches her body and closes her eyes, she is close to ecstasy." Next, the Five Symptoms in women are mentioned, along with recommendations for appropriate male behavior: "When her face is flushed, you should gradually begin the union. If her breasts are full and beads of sweat appear on her nose, you should insert the jade stick slowly. When her throat is dry and she starts to swallow, you should move the jade stick back and forth leisurely. If her grotto is slippery. you should slowly penetrate her depths. When her juices overflow to her buttocks, you should slowly withdraw the jade stick ." This advice from the Elemental Girl concerns the early stages of the union before it begins to become passionate.

In addition, the Elemental Girl discusses the Ten Movements of the Woman in the Sweet Agonies of Passion. She advises the woman to remain strong: "When she clasps him with her arms, she demands that their bodies press against each other and that their genitals touch. If she opens her thighs, she wants to rub her upper pubis against him. If she pulls in her belly, she desires orgasm. If she shakes her buttocks, she desires to be cut open deeply to the right and to the left. When she lifts her body against his, her pleasure is excessive. When she stretches. her limbs and body are ravished.

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