Hardly any other topic has occupied mankind over the millennia as much as the tension between sexual pleasure and procreation.

More than 3000 years ago, the Chinese discovered that men can have multiple orgasms if they control or even completely avoid ejaculation. In the West, it took until the 1940s for Alfred Kinsey to report similar discoveries. But although his findings have been repeatedly confirmed in laboratory experiments, this knowledge still has no real, social significance.

The retention of seminal fluid during sexual union was a well-kept secret in ancient China. Initially, these practices were practiced exclusively by the emperor and his inner circle. Later, they were passed down from father to a chosen son, but withheld from all female family members. In Semen and Ovary Kungfu, men and women learn how to direct and transform their sexual energy into the path of the Lesser Circulation.

With each ejaculation and menstruation, the body assumes that a new life is to be conceived. According to the Tao, all organs and glands sacrifice their best energy for this purpose, which is called orgastic energy. According to the Kinsey Report, a man ejaculates an average of five thousand times during his lifetime, and some men ejaculate much, much more often.

From the Taoist point of view, a man loses energy mainly through ejaculation, while a woman loses energy through menstruation, not through orgasm. Women can experience about three hundred to five hundred menstrual cycles. Each sperm and egg contains highly effective creative energy.

Taoist sages consider their own energy system as a holistic entity. For example, a young and healthy person obtains one hundred percent of the energy needed for a day from breathing, food, sleep, and exercise, and uses about sixty to seventy percent of it for daily living. One could think of this one hundred percent as a bank balance. As we age, however, this energy balance becomes less favorable. The elderly person takes in less and less energy due to wear and tear, stress, exhaustion, etc., although his body consumes the same amount. So he gradually gets into the minus because he now has to draw the energy he needs from the vital organs - from the kidneys, liver, spleen, lungs, heart and pancreas, then from the endocrine glands and finally from the brain. Ailments of old age take on a whole new dimension from this perspective.

Jing Chi is the most subtle of all energies with which a person is born. All other forms of chi in the body are dependent on jing, or origin chi. Jing Chi is transformed into Chi through interaction with the organs. The preservation and nourishment of jing chi forms the basis of the Taoist way; it is stored primarily in the kidneys, semen, and ova.

Ching Chi is the sexual essence, it is formed in the sexual organs. In women it is the energy of the ovaries, in men it is the energy of the semen. Ching Chi is denser than Chi, moves slower in the body, it nourishes the organs when moving in the body.

Cultivating the ching chi that moves in our "love organs" is one of the few ways to replenish our stock - our chi account, so to speak. Closely connected to the glandular system, our sexual organs can generate large amounts of sexual energy, an extremely fiery energy, powerful, alive - but not lasting. In order to store it, it must be directed to the organs and not remain exclusively in the sexual organs or be "wasted"; i.e., circulated without them; discharged.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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