Tok Sen in Thai means 'removing energy lines', in other words, it is a technique to release blocked chi and bring it back into flow. Through physically applied vibrations and sound impulses, deep work is done on the fasciae, muscles and tendons. These energy lines, called meridians in traditional Chinese medicine, are understood as ''zones of lower resistance'' in the material body, in which the life force Chi (Qi) flows. Blockages in these energy lines are considered to cause disease.

This unique massage system has its historical roots in Northern Thailand, in the Chiang Mai area. It is believed that Tok Sen is 5000 years old and originated in today's Lan Na, the land of millions of rice fields, from the culture of rice farmers. Working in the rice fields was accompanied by severe tension and night cramps due to monotonous postures. The healers of that time developed an ingeniously efficient relaxation system that is still used today. Also in this time period, the first experiments with acupuncture began in China. The parallels between the principles and mechanisms of action of Tok Sen and acupuncture are not surprising.

An experienced Tok Sen practitioner recognises a problem by palpation or touch. This is crucial, treatment involves tapping with ''hammer and pestle'' along the Sen Sib lines. The rhythm and intensity depend on the conditions encountered. In Thailand, Tok Sen is often used for paralysis symptoms or for patients with nucleus pulposus.

Tok Sen therapy can be used for a variety of symptoms. Especially head and neck pain as well as shoulder and back pain can be alleviated or even eliminated with this Thai therapy.

In addition, Tok Sen therapy is efficient in the area of knee and elbow joints, up to Achilles tendon problems and joint pain. Any part of the body can be treated. In short, the knowledgeable practitioner can help with musculoskeletal pain and enable a higher quality of life.

In conclusion, the possibilities of the Tok Sen method are not exhausted even after 5000 years. The work with vibrational impulses on living tissue is obviously finding renewed confirmation in the most modern findings. A fascinating and exciting field of research has to be opened up. What remains is the astonishing efficiency with which even the strongest tensions can be lastingly dissolved without the otherwise usual painful 'interventions' of physio-therapists. The pulsating stimulation of the meridians stimulates the chi flow and brings the whole system back into balance in the sense of holistic action. The study of this therapeutic massage system leads into great depths of the muscle-tendon anatomy.

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