Develop your Iron Shirt

Iron Shirt Chi Kung is one of the martial arts aspects of the Universal HEALING TAO system that develops inner strength and a well-conditioned body. Through simple techniques, chi is built up and stored. Regular Iron Shirt practice builds a body that is relaxed and open, strong, healthy and structurally connected to the forces of heaven and earth. The 'opening' of the joints is achieved through spiralling stretching and posture.

Iron Shirt techniques help to root us to the earth while keeping the body centred and balanced. Iron Shirt Chi Kung provides a tool for perfecting our inner self and allows us to reach higher spiritual levels. We use the breath to "pack" organs, glands, muscles and bones with enough chi to keep them healthy, strong and resistant to premature ageing and disease. As a side effect, so to speak, long-lasting tension dissolves. In addition to abdominal breathing (relax mode) and reverse abdominal breathing (fight or flight mode), we know compression breathing and bone breathing.

However, the real effect of Iron Shirt Chi Kung is to prepare the body to receive higher spiritual energies. The core of Iron Shirt Chi Kung training consists of compressing the breathing process and the Iron Shirt postures.


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