"Learning without thinking is useless;
but thinking without learning is dangerous. "

儒家 Chinese: rujia , philosophies and political ideas in China, itself in the tradition of Master Kong ( lived about the end of the 5th century BC ,孔子Chinese: . Kongzi , Latinized Confucius ) questions and his students.
The life of " Confucius " is no longer to be determined by the wreath of legends through. There are different , diametrically contradictory descriptions both about its origin and about his actual life. As pretty sure applies only to the fact that there was a wandering teacher of that name, he lived in Lu, in present-day Shandong province and there are a number of written works that are attributed to him.
The be seen in Confucius ' tradition thinkers , which are summarized in China under the term " Rujia " , developed ideas which until now influenced decisively the entire East Asian space : from China to Taiwan , Japan, Korea and Vietnam. Despite several major breakthroughs in history , such as the legendary pursuit of Rujia under the first Chinese Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi around the time of , or the demonization of Master Kong by Mao Zedong during the first forty years of the People 's Republic of China in the last century , were the humanist and clear ideas , the Master Kong had coined as a teacher, serve through constant reinterpretation by a variety of times and circumstances through a model of composure and compassion.

Confucius : "Conversations , Lun Yu ," translated by Richard Wilhelm , ISBN 3-424-0062 -X
Confucius : "School calls, Gia Yu ," translated by Richard Wilhelm , ISBN 3-424-00696-3
"The Chinese Classics" with a translation [ ... ] by James Legge, in Five Volumes , Shanghai 1935
Hans van Ess, " Confucianism " , C. H. Beck, Munich 2003 , ISBN 3-406-48006-3
( Source Wikipedia )

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